South oaks gambling screen description

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Developing a brief problem gambling screen using ...

The South Oaks Gambling Screen (SOGS; Lesieur & Blume, 1987) is a 20-item multiple-choice instrument that was introduced as a method for identifying individuals with pathological gambling (PG). Positive responses to 5 or more items result in a designation of “probable pathological gambler” Comparisons Between the South Oaks Gambling Screen … Original Research Comparisons Between the South Oaks Gambling Screen and a DSM-IV–Based Interview in a Community Survey of Problem Gambling Brian J Cox, PhD1, Murray W Enns, MD2, Valerie Michaud, MA3 Key Words: pathological gambling, probable pathological gambling… Developing a brief problem gambling screen using including the South Oaks Gambling Screen (SOGS; Lesieur & Blume (1987)), the DSM-IV criteria (American Psychiatric Association, 1994) and the Gamblers Anonymous 20 Questions (GA-20). Validation involved administering a list of 35 items to problem gamblers in treatment and to South Oaks Gambling Survey -

PDF | The South Oaks Gambling Screen (SOGS) is a psychometric instrument widely used internationally to assess the presence of pathological gambling. Developed by Lesieur and Blume (1987) in the ...

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The South Oaks Gambling Screen (SaGS): A New Instrument ... The South Oaks Gambling Screen (SaGS): A New Instrument for the Identification of Pathological Gamblers Henry R. Lesieur, Ph.D., and Sheila B. Blume, M.D. The South Oaks Gambling Screen is a 20-item qu estionnaire based on DSM-Ill criteria for path ological gambling. It ma y be self-administered or administered by nonprofessional or professional The South Oaks Gambling Screen-revised Adolescent (SOGS-RA ...

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SOGS-RA - South Oaks Gambling Screen-Revised... |… SOGS-RA stands for South Oaks Gambling Screen-Revised for Adolescents.Samples in periodicals archive: Self- reported gambling behavior was assessed using the South Oaks Gambling Screen-Revised for Adolescents. Explaining the High False Positive Rate of the South